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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In Beverly Hills

Today I had a chance to spend some time in Beverly Hills. Despite my usual disdain for L.A, this city of traffic and smog does have some redeeming qualities. Take for instance, the students who attend Beverly Hills High School. In addition to the typical teen angst, identity issues, gossip, and exams that they deal with, some of these kids also have the added pressure of looking stylishly unique and keeping up with the latest trends.

So what's hot at Beverly Hills High School? Well, from my observational research (sans camera, unfortunately) I witnessed many pairs of tight-fitting True Religion jeans, breezy woven tunics worn over jeans, scrunchy boots with flat soles, long wavy hair a la Cory Kennedy, and oh-so-many oversized tote bags in place of backpacks. The guys seem to be wearing the same True Religion jeans as the girls. Ladies, hide all of your size 25 jeans, lest your brother or boyfriend steal them from your closet :) Graphic and printed hoodies seem quite popular with the guys, as did classic Chuck Taylors, worn with long hair brushed into the face, of course.