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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bring On The Neon

Living in southern California has its advantages, and one may argue that one of those advantages is being able to get away with wearing a T-shirt and jeans to many places (if you are so inclined). While I have quite a large stash of T-shirts, I always find it difficult to resist buying a new one. During a recent trip to Urban Outfitters, I found myself in the Men's section browsing the graphic print T's. While my intention was to buy a gift, I failed miserably...but I found something for myself (big surprise). When I'm lounging at home, one of my favorite things to wear is a Men's T-shirt, as they're roomy and comfortable. Instead of my usual college T's that I pick up when I travel and visit various campuses, I thought I'd add some color and flair to my usual shades of navy and gray with this neon striped version. For a slightly edgier "going out" look, I could add my favorite vintage belt and a Coach scarf to play up the color of my eyes. At any rate, I think this T will cheer me up on cold, gloomy winter days.

neon stripe t shirt

T-shirt by BDG, Urban Outfitters, $28