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Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I received my Delia*s catalog in the mail a few days ago and I am currently resisting the urge to call them up and place an order. What I am loving right now are their interpretations on the playful and bright prints that will dominate this spring. For example, I loved this nautical themed hoodie. It's perfect for those weekend days when I want a casual and quirky look without having to dress up. Better yet, it comes in blue, my favorite color.

I was admiring their ice cream cone necklace as well. It reminds me of a T-shirt adorned with ice cream cones that I saw a couple of years ago in a Japanese magazine. I've been waiting for this motif to show up somewhere!
The hearts, polka dots, rainbows, fruit prints, and other whimsical prints remind me of those bright, flashy days of my youth. Yes - the 1980s!
(BTW, photos are courtesy of delias.com.)